Drum Poems

performance (2024 - ongoing)

I have been working on my drum poems since June 2024, as an invitation from “Voice as Landscape: Borrowing a Distant Hill”, a two-day festival with a focus on the voice as a transformative force. I blend repeated beats and spoken word to explore the interplay between rehearsal and script. This performance unfolds as a surreal mosaic of scattered aphorisms and imagery, evoking moments such as the increasing popularity of the patron of lost causes, and recalling only the scent of a football player while entering the field holding his hand.  As an alternative version, I have performed my drum poems with Cameron Lynch, as a b2b between autobiographical maximalists. These video excerpts are from a session recorded in one take in the Roode Bioscoop theater, Amsterdam.

“Voice as Landscape”, Perdu, Amsterdam 2024. Photo by Yohannes Henriksson.